

For some reason it was stuck in my head that baking eclairs was a bit tricky and far too difficult for a newly-amateur baker such as myself. Until I read the following recipe in the 'Peper en zout'-magazine (Spar) for mini-eclairs which seemed surprisingly easy......
Yesterday, in the car on our way to the Winter Nights at Bokrijk, I was listening to Radio 2 's '1000 klassiekers', the radio station's annual list of the ultimate classic songs. And at number 546 there it was: the wonderful 1975 classic by Belgian singer Marva called 'Rode rozen in de sneeuw' (Red roses in the snow). My inspiration to bake these lovely apple roses. :-)...
I've been wanting to try and make a Pavlova for a really long time. The recipe I tried today I found on the Allerhande website and made me feel pretty confident. ;-) This website is always a good source to find easy recipes. I adjusted it slightly (meaning less sugar) and I added my own little touch (enter the lemon curd!)....